1 Anton wants to enhance an existing story with illustrations/graphics, for which he searches online, visiting the Europeana platform.

2 Anton’s topic is the threatened extinction of the pangolin, a species of scaly mammal. Anton has several monitors in front of him, on which he can examine potentially suitable pictures. He searches for keywords in various databases.

3 It’s important to him that the search box is clearly placed on screen, and he expects to be able to filter his results results (e.g. by basic/predominant colour, region, IPR, age of object, contributor, etc.)
4 Anton prefers those objects where use rights should be immediately clear and understandable, preferably using CC licenses. Similarly, he expects that technical info (pixel, format, etc.) is provided. Additionally, from the usage history of his chosen picture, he sees that it has not been downloaded within the last 18 months, which for him is positive. He selects a suitable picture and additionally the LinBi platform offers him ‘enrichment objects’, leading him to related topics. From the related topics, Anton finds a current story about smuggling of endangered species which involves a local criminal, and he incorporates this topical dimension into his piece.