1 Paul is a sound archivist. Drawing upon a wide variety of recordings, Paul’s archive contributes animal sounds to Europeana, Europe’s largest digital cultural heritage collection. Some of his favourite sounds are recordings of polar bears, the largest bears on Earth.

2 Today Paul is working on the sounds of the polar bear. He would like to enrich his animal sounds by permanently linking them to other materials related to polar bears – images, videos, illustrations, books and more.

3 Using the the LinBi enrichment platform, he searches for ‘polar bear’. His search is automatically conducted within all Europeana collections. From the results, Paul selects the content that he thinks will enhance the value of his polar bear sounds.
4 Paul has enhanced the metadata of his selected sounds with links to other digital objects relating to polar bears within Europeana. The next time a pupil or nature enthusiast searches for ‘sounds of polar bears’ in Europeana, the results will now automatically provide links to additional related digital objects, leading users to discover even more compelling and interesting material about the polar bear.