Anton Hemmerich

Anton is 38 years old. He is naturally curious, and is a searcher for obscure online treasures.He works for a major public service broadcaster as a journalist/researcher. Technological development means that he is simultaneously a writer, an editor and a picture researcher. He is a generalist, not specialising in a particular topic, and is focussed on ensuring that his work is both accurate and fast. The two things do not necessarily go hand-in-hand.
“Who said that, and based upon what?”
Who is Anton?
Anton is an experienced web-surfer. He’s accustomed to working under time pressure, quick to decide and preferring quick response times. He doesn‘t like workflow complications or dialogue screens. He especially hates having to deal with IPR issues and any lack of clarity about what he may or may not do with a particular content item.
What does the future hold for him?
Anton’s future, like that of many journalists, depends upon the speed and accuracy of his work. Modern technology means that his workload has increased, and he acts as content editor, picture editor, music/sound effects advisor, sound recordist and cameraman. He has less time in which to produce more results, and this is why he needs content to be findable, efficiently described and tagged.
How does Anton see his work/study in the longer term?
Anton will continue to maintain his high journalistic standards in the face of increased pressure, reduced time and greater expectations, expecting that technological developments will support him in his aims.
How does Anton use technology?
Anton wants to find content which has an emotional effect. He prioritises pictures described not only with details of the actual content but also with generalized keywords, conveying extended meaning beyond the literal content. He also searches online for sounds and music to accompany his content. The LinBi platform presents him not only with descriptions of suitable objects but also points him on other related directions. This helps him in the process of sifting out suitable material from the tsunami of web content. He hopes that as much related material as possible will be enriched by extended descriptions and interlinking.